What To Consider When Hosting A Picnic
Do you love spending time outdoors? If you do, have you ever thought about hosting a picnic? Although hosting a picnic can be a fun and exciting experience for you, it can also be a stressful and overwhelming one. That is one of the many reasons why not all...
Organic Gardening :The Pros And Cons
Picture three ripe red tomatoes arranged on a wooden cutting board awaiting your pleasure. They’ve each come from a different source: can you tell which one was grown organically? Two of the tomatoes were lovingly tended in backyards – one in a conventional garden and the other in an...
The Good News about Gardening
Love to garden? Well Here’s good news. Gardening can get you in shape; call it backyard fitness. You remember when you joined the gym and vowed to go three times a week. Or when you bought the treadmill knowing you would use it every day. Well, that didn�t happen,...
Choosing the Right Plants For Your Garden
Excited, that’s how you felt when you saw that space in your backyard. And you bought some plants, but without even considering first what kind of soil you have at your garden, or perhaps, without planning carefully what kind of plants will survive. Now your garden is a mess....
Attracting Birds to Your Garden
Attracting birds into your garden can really brighten your backyard, but how can you attract them? This article touches on how you can. Firstly, birds will be attracted by the geographic location of your garden. To find out which birds are in the geographic area of your garden at...
Give Your Backyard a Tropical Feel with Tropical Plants
A tropical landscaping job for your backyard may take some effort to achieve. This is especially true in areas where a tropical setting for a backyard may not always be possible. But it does not necessarily mean that it can’t be accomplished. Trying to emulate a tropical setting can...