Grow Vegetables In Your Garden This Summer

As a child, I remember many sunny summer afternoons sitting on the porch shelling more than my fair share of peas and butter beans in the deep dark heart of the old south. There were other vegetables we grew in our summer gardens that had to be picked and...

5 Perennials for Shade Gardens

We all know that flowers love sunshine, but did you realize that there are perennials that love the shade? You can create a beautiful garden in the shade that can act as a cooling retreat on those hot summer days. By using perennials, your flowers will come up year...

How to Care for your Rose Garden

Many people could not resist a rose’s beauty and scent. Imagine this coming from your rose garden. These flowers are known to be a bit complicated to grow, but anyone could start rose gardening in the comfort of her own backyard. Good rose care will keep it beautiful. To...

All About Indoor Herb Gardening

Here are some tips for herb gardening indoors that will simulate the conditions in an outside garden. For Herb gardening indoors the growing climates need to be pretty much the same as the conditions outside. Get your herb plants from a good garden center nursery that will have plenty...

How To Choose The Perfect Garden Just For You

If you’re just looking for something to look nice in your yard, you’ll want a flower garden. These are usually filled with perennial flowers. Perennial flowers are flowers that stay healthy year-round. They’re basically weeds because of their hardiness, only nice looking. Different areas and climates have different flowers...

Top 8 Gardening Mistakes and Ways to Address Them

We often see fashion blunders on TV. We may even hear ourselves giving opinions about them. But do you actually realize that blunders can even happen right in your front yard? Whether you think that your garden looks good or not, it really doesn’t matter. If everything doesn’t work,...