The Advantages and Drawbacks of Reel Mowers for Yard Maintenance

Many of today’s new homeowners are looking for environmentally friendly solutions to yard maintenance. Reel lawn mowers are not a new idea, but they are gaining in popularity. Environmentally conscious homeowners are giving up their self-propelled, petroleum-powered mowers for the old-fashioned, muscle-powered versions in record numbers. Reel lawnmowers differ...

Cheap Pond Liners – Installing a Garden Pond

Installing a garden pond is no longer a distant dream but an easy goal. Concrete ponds have been replaced with artificial, preformed, and flexible Pond Liners which make the task of installing a pond easier and cheaper. When building on a budget, one can settle for a small water...

Small Garden Ideas: What You Should Know

Anyone can have a garden, even those apartment dwellers living in the smallest apartments. If you have a balcony, all you need is a little imagination and patience, and a bit of a green thumb, and you too can have a pocket garden worth bragging about. The balcony is...

The Best And Safest Pest Controls For Your Garden

Pest control must be done with utmost consideration to safety; safety in terms of the plants, animals, and humans. This holds especially true for those with vegetable and organic gardens. The main purpose of growing vegetables organically will be defeated if they become tainted with pest control chemicals. Here...

Things You Must Know Before Venturing Into Organic Gardening

If you are pondering about organic gardening, keep doing so. Not many people are like you who think of such causes for the benefit of nature. Nature may be smiling at you now. With the advent of all the problems with the world around us, specifically global warming, such...

Things to Consider when Choosing Roses for Your Garden

The selection of roses you can grow in your home garden is enormous. With so many to choose from, finding just the right ones may seem more like work than play. To make this process easier, here are a few important factors to help you narrow down your field...