Category: Backyard Gardens

You Can Grow Roses as A Groundcover

Would you like to cut down on the areas you would normally have to mow grass? You could plant roses as a groundcover. This will produce an effect that is quite pleasing to the eye.  Did you even know that there’s such a thing as “groundcover roses”?  Several types...

The Health and Healing Benefits of The Herbal Lavender Plant

If you have ever stepped into a well-tended garden, or you grow a garden of your own, then you are probably familiar with the shrub lavender. For most of us, we know lavender as a scent used in perfumes, a kind of purple dye, a pretty spring flower. But...

Your Vegetables May Be Laced with Antibiotics

Be careful what you eat, especially if you are allergic to certain antibiotics. Recent studies have shown that some vegetables absorb the antibiotic chemicals from the soil they are grown in. Why might antibiotic chemicals be in the soil? Even in your own garden?  Animal manure. In our vast...

Potpourri with Herbs and Essential Oils

Potpourri is defined as a mixture of dried flowers, herbs, leaves, roots, barks, and spices providing fragrance. Placed either in a decorative wooden bowl, tied in small bags made from sheer fabric or specially designed potpourri vase, a potpourri can last long if blended correctly. The word potpourri comes...

Discovering Himalayan Goji Berry And Its Health-Promoting Powers

Goji Juice, believed to be the most nutritionally dense food on our planet, was formulated by Dr. Earl Mindell himself with the same ethereal signature of the original Himalayan berries used by ancient healers for centuries. The Miracle Well Besides a wall near a legendary Buddhist temple during the...

The Beginner’s Guide on How to Take Care of Your Tulip Tree

The Tulip Tree gets its name from its tulip-shaped flowers. The flowers of a Tulip Tree are located at great heights and typically reach a size of 2.5 inches. The Tulip Tree produces monoecious flowers with yellow-green petals. The corolla has a beautiful vivid orange shade. Some people find...