What Are the Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes the person to have pauses in breathing for very long periods of time. This results in many negative effects on the person who has this problem. This condition is known to lead to an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of productivity at work. People who have this problem also have a much higher risk of having heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, car accidents, sexual dysfunction, cancer, and even death.

There are several treatment options for sleep apnea, but they usually depend on the type of the problem. If the apnea is caused by a wide opening of the airways, the doctor may recommend surgery or a device that helps to keep the airways open. If the area is caused by the narrowing of the airways, then the doctor may recommend a device that narrows the airways during sleep. Some people with this problem might also need to undergo therapy to open up the airways before medication is administered.

The main goal of the treatment is to make the person’s comfort as comfortable as possible. Because of the nature of the problem, the type of treatment will vary from person to person. However, there are things that can be done to reduce the effects of the problem.

To begin with, good sleep hygiene is needed. This is to avoid snoring while sleeping. Keeping the head as low as possible is a basic guideline to help people in bed.

If a person doesn’t snore, then he or she should try to sleep with their head up. Sometimes the sleep apnea will affect the muscles of the neck and thus keep them out of place while they sleep. However, some people who snore when they sleep also suffer from this problem.

Eating a healthy diet is also advised. Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking. These are the two main factors that cause the problem.

Exercising is also recommended in a healthy lifestyle. People who take up exercise regularly tend to be lighter. They are able to maintain a healthy weight and have a slimmer figure.

Stress should also be avoided if a person has sleep apnea. Stress is the primary cause of this condition. The other causes of stress include lack of sleep, excessive drinking, smoking, social pressures, personal affairs, and such other factors. To combat the stress, people who have sleep apnea should adopt proper relaxation techniques.

There are medications that are available for people who have sleep apnea problems. These drugs include a CPAP machine that can provide relief from the symptoms of sleep apnea.

However, people should know that the treatment given depends on the severity of the sleep apnea problem. In most cases, people who suffer from mild sleep apnea can still enjoy a good night’s sleep.

However, if the sleep apnea is causing the person to have more trouble sleeping, then a doctor will be called to do an evaluation. The doctor will then decide on what the treatment would be.